Oooops, they’re here. Way to put out a bowl of blood to attract the shades. Did you have to do it on Medium? The good news is that the comments on Medium are so bad that even the YouBoob potato heads will get bored and leave.
A few people have commented on Gamergate. Let me give you my “historical” perspective. I was having fun on the Gawker and Jezebel boards and then those morons came over the mountain and distracted everyone from my finely crafted, artisan lulz. I knew Weev from LiveJournal, so I recognized the beast when I saw it. I said, “Lo, here cometh der shitheads.”
Any fucked up young men reading this should know that if they want help negotiating the un-reconstructed post-modern media Martianscape, they should listen to me, not them. My advice is all here on Medium. All you have to do is read. It will make you a better person and you don’t have to spend Sunday morning listening to some halfwit make a mess out of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.
Let’s all try to find the funny together. OK?