Yo, Man, I already DID the Queen

If You Want MY Hot Take, You Have to Climb in the TARDIS

1 min readSep 14, 2022

Check this out, you n00bs:

I’ve been gorging on Royalty and Ukrainian counter attacks like Ungoliant devouring the gems of the Noldor, but now I’m sick of both and feel like have all of Belegaer in my guts.

Have you seen this:

Pretty great, huh?

Want to read some other GRADE-A Medium funny?

Now, about the Rings of Power, how come they don’t mention that Elrond is Galadriel’s son-in-law and do you think they will make the Balrogs have wings, because we all know that….




Tribune of Medium. Mayor Emeritus of LiveJournal. Third Pharaoh of the Elusive Order of St. John the Dwarf. I am to Medium what bratwurst is to food.